There is no single response to what causes acne, acne is a multi-factorial disorder, meaning it is caused by various interacting variables. 

True, oily skin may boost your likelihood of acne, but it is also real that individuals with dry skin may be Acne A typical adolescent acne, defined by three kinds of lesions:


 A typical teenage acne with three kinds of lesions: 

1. The blackhead or comedone 2. The papule of inflammation   3. The pustule.

Acne appears on the skin as; –

• Blocked pores (‘ comedones’), also known as blackheads or whiteheads

 • Red bumps also known as pimples or spots that are often tender 

 • Pustules (bumps containing pus), and occasionally as cysts (deep pimples). 

Many products for the treatment of acne are on the market, some are available in the pharmacy or cosmetic counter and do not require a prescription. However, it is advisable that you should consider consulting a skin specialist or a doctor for treatment options for the more stubborn cases of acne.

The cause of acne is not just one factor. 

Acne occurs when the sebaceous (oil) glands linked to the hair follicles are stimulated at the time of puberty or due to other hormonal changes. 

Sebum (oil) is a skin-protecting and lubricating compound. The skin cells in the acne skin do not shed as normal when they mature, causing the hair follicle to plug. This plug may appear as a whitehead if it is covered by a thin layer of skin, or the darker exposed portion of the plug is called a “blackhead” when exposed to air.

As it gradually enlarges the plugged hair follicle, it generates a bump. As the follicle enlarges, the wall may break, allowing irritating substances and normal skin bacteria to reach the deeper layers of the skin, resulting in redness known as inflammation. The inflammation near the surface of the skin produces a pustule and a papule (pimple) results in deeper inflammation. It is the inflammation near the surface of the skin that produces a pustule and, if the inflammation is still deeper, it forms a cyst.

Acne is not your fault 

Diet is often blamed – it is not the cause. Healthy diet helps your health and wellbeing, but it will not prevent acne. 

Advice is often given to avoid pizza, greasy and fried foods, sweets, sugary drink and junk food. While these foods may not be good for overall health, they do not play a major part in you getting acne. Some studies have suggested that a high-carbohydrate diet, milk, and pure chocolate in aggravating acne, these findings are far from established. 

You are not dirty

Blackheads are oxidized oil, not dirt. Sweat does not cause acne and is produced by entirely separate glands in the skin. On the other hand, excessive washing can dry and irritate the skin.

Stress: Some people get so upset by their pimples that they pick at them and the pimples get more inflamed and even more red, this only lengthens the time the spot lasts and increases the chance of scarring.  

In occasional patients, the following may be contributing factors:

•Heredity: If one of your parents or siblings have had severe acne, it is likely that your acne will be more difficult to control.

•Pressure: In some patients, pressure from caps or chin straps, can aggravate acne.

•Drugs: Some medications may cause or worsen acne, oral or injected steroids or the steroids that bodybuilders sometimes take. Other drugs that can cause or aggravate acne are anticonvulsant medications, however most cases of acne are not drug related. The Mirena coil can exacerbate acne in women.

•Occupations: In some jobs, exposure to industrial products like cutting oils may produce or irritate acne.

•Cosmetics: Some cosmetics and skin care products are pore clogging (“comedogenic”). Of the many available brands of skin care products, it is important to read the list of ingredients. Take advice and choose your make up carefully. 

Make up is available specifically for acne sufferers and it is wise to choose this to prevent acne becoming worse.

Cleansing the skin   ** Image of skin cleaning **

Whatever cleanser you choose, it should leave your skin clean but not too tight, dry, itchy, or red. Complete make up removal is essential

Do not scrub or rub your skin, it is recommended to pat it dry.

Feeling overwhelmed? 

What you want to avoid are antibacterial bars. While they work well for cleansing tougher areas like your back or feet, these soap bars may be drying for the face.

More important is the pH of the soap. Cleansers with a very high pH (very alkaline) they are going to be very drying and possibly irritating to the skin.

Cleansing products that are designed to cleanses without irritating or drying the skin. Clears clogged pores and leaves a smooth and radiant skin. 

Moisture not oil – the Importance of Clean Skin before you moisturize, you should always start with a clean face. 

How Do I Treat My Oily Skin?

                            1.Cleanse 2. Tone 3. Moisture 4 Target

Believe it or not, women that complain of having oily skin may also notice their skin feels tight and uncomfortable.  

Now you would think with oily skin it would feel more lubricated, but again, oil is not moisture and oily skin does not make skin smooth and supple.  If you have oily skin you may also be sensitive, have irritation, and experience stinging conditions when using some skincare products.  

Many people with oily skin think they can “skip” the moisturizing step to their skincare regimen – women often ask should I moisturise before applying my makeup.

The answer is sometimes confusing.  Simply put “skin always needs to be moisturized, especially oily skin, and we’ll explain why.”

The word “oil” found anywhere in a skin care product can cause some to freak out.  But the good news is certain skincare products are not the enemy to oily skin. Although it sounds contradictory to apply a moisturizer to oily skin, the fact is, it will help reduce sebum production and give skin a better texture with the proper use of certain types of products – (oil free moisturiser)

Treat Acne with topical skin care – 

Topical products are a possible remedy for acne but you need to make sure you are getting it in the right way to avoid irritation and discomfort.

 Topical Vitamin A  in various formulations are  used in Acne treatments to stimulate the growth of new skin cells and stimulate the speed up of the cells blocking the pores. This is an important part of caring for Acne skin, the treatment to prevent the blockage of the pore, reduce the skin’s sebum secretion and prevents problems with pimples and impure skin. 

Vitamin A – may help improve acne  by –

• decreasing inflammation (redness)

• increasing skin cell growth to heal lesions and scars

• decreasing sebum (oil) production

• smoothing skin

• even the skin tone, reduce discolouration

• Topical Vitamin A – the secret to preventing acne scars .

The unique side effect of using Vitamin A based products – its also anti-ageing 

The benefits of a skin care consultation

A skin care professional will give you a personalised care plan with suggested products to treat your skin.

Treatment for acne is progressive and ongoing and the care plan may suggest some changes. 

You need to be prepared to commit to a new regime and possibly lifestyle changes. Unfortunately, there is no ‘quick fix’ for acne and anyone who tells you otherwise will leave you disappointed and out of pocket.

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